Practices & Daily Rituals


Spend time in nature

Even if only 15 minutes a day, getting outside can enhance positive and relaxed states of being. Natural light helps to balance sleep cycles, Vitamin D benefits mood and blood pressure, and higher oxygen intake benefits stress and serotonin. We also gain the benefit of taking a break and shifting our perspective on our current situation.


Writing about our current feelings and thoughts makes it easier to organise and understand our internal world. This allows us to be present to our current moods and process our emotions so they can be felt. Give yourself time to sit with your feelings when they come up. Take time to journal when you notice uncomfortable feelings arise.

Eat clean energy food

Studies show our mental health is closely linked to our digestive health. Treat your body to high nutritional, fresh, chemical and additive free whole foods when possible. Eating well balanced meals with higher nutritional content allows us to recover our energy levels and maintain optimal physical and mental health.

Movement Practices

Movement based practices such as weight training, yoga, sports, biking, dance, walking, martial arts, and stretching all elevate mood and lower stress, supporting overall health, while offering a mental reset from monotonous tasks and work. Being connected to our body gives us a better understanding of how our body is responding moment to moment.

Self Care

Self-care practices benefit our ability to be present and allow us to slow down enough to feel. This is not only an act of deep love and reverence for oneself but is another way to get us out of our mind and into our body.

This may look like - taking a bath, burning incense/oils, massage, going for a spa day, taking ourselves on a date, treating ourselves to flowers or gifts, self-pleasure practices, cooking, enjoying creative hobbies, taking breaks throughout the day, getting enough rest/sleep, switching off our devices, and spending time with animals.

Cultivate Authentic Connections

The more we connect to others and feel supported and heard by them, the better we are at adapting to changes and feeling resilient in our ability to overcome adversity. This requires us to be ourselves and attract people who are able to love us as we are and take a genuine interest in our internal world. Talk to reliable people who have the ability to listen without judgement.

High Vibrational Energy Work

Through singing, chanting, embodiment practices, breathwork and meditation we can elevate our awareness of the subtler energetic realms and understand ourselves at a deeper level. This allows us to step outside of our usual patterns and open up to the fullest expression of ourselves through learning to trust and accept where we are.

Create Affirmations

Using our words to affirm what we want to achieve, what we desire and how we want to feel allows us to find clarity around our future. This gets us to shift our focus away from the current situation we may be facing and instead gets us excited about what awaits.

'I am supporting others in their growth through my work'

'I am abundant in all areas of my life'

'I am powerful, joyful and loving'

Christy Champoise